ALMI Fat Transfer / Fat Grafting
Copyright © 2025 M Beauty Clinic by Dr. Tess
Dr. Tess Mauricio, MD, FAAD is
a Board Certified Dermatologist
from Stanford University Medical
School. She graduated Summa
Cum Laude from UCSD and is a
past President of the San Diego
Society of Dermatological
Surgery. She is known
worldwide as “America’s
Favorite Dermatologist.”
Aesthetics & Regenerative Medicine - Beverly Hills, San Diego, Chula Vista
ALMI Face, Hair, and FemShot Testimonial
I had a very positive experience with Almi. I had three procedures at one time. The treatments included stem cells and PRP. As a 70 year old woman, I
was not expecting my body to react so quickly.
The first procedure was Almi fat transfer to my face. It was comfortable enough and I can not say I felt pain. I trusted Dr. Tess to do what she felt my
face needed. By the time my 3 week appointment came around I did not really notice a big change, that is until I saw the before and after pictures. I not
only looked younger but my skin appeared to have been resurfaced. The change was gradual and no one mentioned anything but the photos showed a
definite improvement. I was then taken to another room for the V Time Machine and fat transfer to labia majora. There again the photos were amazing.
The benefit from that is no longer dealing with incontinence and more intensity with orgasms. Final was the scalp injections for hair loss due to an
autoimmune disorder. The average time for results was three months I was told, but mine was clearly visible new hair coming in at three weeks.
I can say that the improvements to my appearance and selfesteem were well worth it. I would highly recommend Dr. Tess and Almi to anyone no matter
your age.
Dr. Tess is one of the developers and pioneers of the ALMI Procedure, and
trains other physicians and medical professionals on it!
ALMI, or Autologous Lipocyte Micronized Injection, is an all-natural, minimally
invasive treatment that uses your own cells and tissues, rather than synthetic fillers, to
restore a more youthful appearance, improving volume, texture and tone.
ALMI patients see remarkable results quickly, and the simple, 45-minute outpatient
procedure has the potential to match or exceed the reputation of traditional skin
rejuvenation treatments.
ALMI (Autologous Lipocyte Micronized Injection) might seem similar to other skin
rejuvenation injection treatments designed to boost collagen, elastin and redirect fat
But it takes the rejuvenation process to a more natural place, by using your own
body’s regenerative cells and fat tissues, offering complete, purely natural rebuilding
of lost collagen and volume with no surgery, and even fewer side effects.
Skin and structure on your face and hands loses volume and support over time, with
aging or weight loss, thanks to the slowing of collagen production as we age. ALMI
addresses these issues with quick, non-invasive injections performed right in our
Patients report seeing effects immediately after the ALMI procedure, and as your body
adjusts to the boost of its own rebuilding cells, results are even stronger after several
weeks. We are specially trained in techniques to maximize optimal results for each
patient thoroughly and safely.
There is minimal to no downtime with this all-natural, outpatient procedure, and the
ALMI process takes less than 45 minutes. Most patients are able to return to normal
activities immediately after treatment, and our staff will share any additional needed
information based on your individual procedure during your consultation.
Clients seeing the greatest results from ALMI are those who are experiencing
collagen loss in their hands, face, neck or other areas. By age 40, most people have
up to 20 percent collagen loss and by age 50, 30 percent collagen loss. ALMI offers a
replacement that improves all signs of aging, like wrinkles, rough texture, dull tone,
structure and volume loss, elasticity, and sun spots. As always, your overall health,
medical history, treatment expectations, and aesthetic goals will be evaluated to see if
ALMI is right for you. *Individual results will vary and are not guaranteed.
*w/Cosmetic Consultants
$250 fee w/Dr. Tess, applied towards
any purchase or service